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S&M - Sadism and Masochism. S and M enthusiasts derive part of their pleasure from inflicting pain or humiliation (the sadist) or having pain inflicted upon them (the masochist) - but always within defined and
mutually agreed limits.
Sapphistry - Lesbian love; derived from Sappho, the lesbian poet of ancient Greece.
Sappho Daddy-O - A heterosexual man who socializes extensively with lesbians.
Scenery - Anyone whom you are interested in, but is of the wrong sexual orientation. Thus you can "Sit back and enjoy the scenery".
Sergeant - A butch lesbian. A mid 1900's term.
Shore Dinner - A gay man viewed by or who views a sailor as a potential oral sex partner.
Shrimping - Toe-sucking.
Significant Other - A partner in a serious relationship. In the early 1970s, unhappy with terms such as lover, girlfriend, and boyfriend for describing same-sex partners, some gay men and lesbians began using the term significant other.
Size Queen - A gay man who is especially interested in partners with large penises.
Soft Butch - A butch lesbian with a soft side and gentle demeanor.
Snow Queen - A black man who only dates white men.
Sugar Daddy - An older man who financially supports a younger partner.
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