Today I've decided to make my idea a reality - a blog site where you can be informed about being gay... My boyfriend doesn't think it's a good idea. Disapproval from a closeted homosexual is not something I will take into account when it comes to deciding whether or not to actually create this blog.
This website is dedicated to my boyfriend. When I found out his unique method of douching, our conversation led him to say, " one told me about these things so I came up with my own method". Do take into account that even up to this day, in his 20's and is still a closet case (lol). Jokes aside, this website is also dedicated to those teenagers who killed themselves for being gay or being perceived to be gay - Life Will Get Better!
So I started looking for information on the web... Oh my G no one really openly speaks of these things? Not even on the internet!? Although I've stumbled upon websites that has some information, they are scattered. Also, unless you already know exactly what you want to know, ie. googling "amyl" (assuming you already know the existence of the word "amyl"), there aren't any sites out there to inform you of the existence of such things... So I though, right! It's about time someone speaks out about these things or else we'll be lurking in the shadows for years to come!
This blog is a simple compilation of those gay information that will take you a good deal of sweat and tears to find - my browser is literally filled with tabs and have spilled over to new windows with the many websites I currently have up.
I thought and said to myself, you know what... "if my dad didn't teach me the proper way of shaving my face, I wouldn't have had a clue what to do! So what about those things a growing gay man (or woman) is supposed to know - who's going to teach him?"
I thank God for the generation before mine for making the world a safer place in order for my generation of homosexuals to survive. It is therefore in my opinion, my generation's responsibility to pass on an improved version survival kit for the next generation to come.
Have a great read. Enjoy!
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